Michael Rimler is a clinical programmer in GSK Biostatistics and passionate about influencing the evolving role of open source technologies and data science capabilities on clinical data analytics. He is involved with numerous internal initiatives aimed at moving the organization in this direction, including leading the effort to fully integrate R into the clinical reporting process. Michael is a co-lead of the Open Source Technologies in Clinical Research PHUSE working group project, has chaired a PHUSE US Single Day Event on Data Visualization, and will serve as a co-chair for the 2021 PHUSE US Connect.
June 22, 2021
Many programmers in the life sciences and pharma industries have spent their careers using a single programming language, and adopting a new language can be quite challenging.
October 8, 2020
Andy Nicholls and Michael Rimler from healthcare firm GlaxoSmithKline plc (GSK) answer questions posed during their recent webinar, Using R to Drive Agility in Clinical Reporting.
September 3, 2020
The R language is used within the tightly regulated clinical reporting workflows has remained limited.