I work in the r-lib and tidyverse teams at RStudio. I’m interested in developing low-level tools that bring out the expressivity of the R language.
January 31, 2020
In Tidyverse grammars such as dplyr you can refer to the columns in your data frames as if they were objects in the workspace. This syntax is optimised for interactivity and is a great fit for data...
January 25, 2019
In practice there are two main flavors of tidy eval functions: functions that select columns, such as `dplyr::select()`, and functions that operate on columns, such as `dplyr::mutate()`.
February 7, 2018
Tidy evaluation is one of the major feature of the latest versions of dplyr and tidyr. It enables Tidyverse users to write reusable functions and pipeline wrappers.